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“Tate, someone might see us,” I whimper as he presses his fingers deep into my folds and licks the back of my neck.
“You don’t hold anything back anymore, Jess. Let’s get the whole cast to watch.” I turn around and the director is standing there with his arms crossed in front of him.
I gasp and wake suddenly out of my dream. Sticky with sweat and heart racing faster than ever.
Chapter 6
There’s a knock on my door, and it can only mean one thing. Kasen is not going to let me sleep in this morning. Our car won’t be here for another twenty minutes, so why is he here so early?
I open the door and welcome him in with a giant wave of the hand. He hands me a banana and laughs when I look really, really confused. Kissing the top of my head, which once again turns me to jelly, he states simply, “Breakfast, until we hit the catering tent. Good morning, by the way.” He plops himself down on my sofa and starts flipping through his phone.
“Make yourself comfortable, Kasen. Really. My home is your home.” Laughter erupts from the sexy man sitting in my living space. I close the door and begin to peel the banana. “Thanks for breakfast.” I smile and take a bite. He looks over his shoulder at me as I am about to wrap my lips around the fruit. His mouth drops open, and it would appear he forgot what he was going to say.
“WHAT?” I raise my voice, around a cheekful of banana.
He swallows hard and turns away while repositioning himself on my sofa. Taking a deep breath, he replies without looking at me, “Not. One. Thing.” and he goes back to his phone. It was in that moment, where he began readjusting his position on the sofa that I realized that he saw me take a bite of my banana. This is too flipping easy.
I pad into the living space and sit opposite Kasen on the sofa. I bend my knees and have my back against the arm. Ever so slowly, I continue to wrap my lips around this phallic fruit and moan in pleasure with every bite. Kasen is really trying not to look at me. He keeps glancing over out of the corner of his eye. Once I finished the banana, I moan, “Mmmm, Kasen, that was delicious. So firm. Mmmmm, thank you for giving me your banana.” I give him a devilish grin as the house phone rings. “Are you ready?” I ask seductively
“Evil woman,” he growls.
Kasen is quiet all the way to the car and won’t even look at me. He’s either pouting or using a mantra. I’m not sure which. I’ve known him for a brief period of time and feel like I have the upper hand. He still makes my knees feel like jello, but after last night I know I can have fun with him. We kind of fell into an easy friendship. A just for now-ship. I’m okay with that, as long as I can continue to drool over him…
“Evil,” he mutters climbing in behind me.
Smirking I swipe my screen and log into twitter. It seems my little blog has gained new followers overnight. I thank everyone for the follow and follow them in return.
I put my phone in my purse and look at him. Not only is Kasen Wells a beautiful man, he is so down to earth. He makes me happy. When I thought I would be alone for two months, he stepped in and became that confidante I needed. Even though I have only known him for a short time, he makes me feel comfortable.
I must have been staring and daydreaming for a while as the next thing. I think it comes out smoothly but I am sure it actually came out as “IKNOWYOUREADMYBLOG”. He laughs at the force of my blurted out statement. I shake my head and try to think of my words before I spit them out. “No, what I mean is,” I swallow and try to muster up the courage to speak, “the only thing I can say is thank you, Kasen. You have made the past couple of days fun. I thought I was going to be alone and empty with a bottle of wine and a bag of Skittles.” I release a nervous laugh. I’m an idiot.
He reaches across and takes my hand. My heart flutters. My body accepts his warmth and craves his pulse. “Farrow, you don’t have to be alone if you don’t want to be.” He brushes my knuckles with his thumb. “Being with you is the best part of my day.”
I look up from our hands and meet his eyes with mine. Something shifts in the way he looks at me, it may have always been there, but I am only noticing it now. My eyes flick to his lips as I lick mine. I want to know what they taste like. Kasen is the first to break our stare. He slowly closes his eyes and shakes his head and turns his gaze to the window. I reluctantly remove my hand from his and immediately miss his warmth.
After what seems like an eternity, we arrive at an old warehouse with a chain link fence. So many people are coming and going. It’s a hive of activity. Fans, police, drivers and crew. Beyond the security check, we pull up to a row of trailers. My mouth drops open, and I see Kasen smile out of the corner of my eye.
“Sticking with me again?” His question is laced with hope.
“For as long as I can.” I am more nervous about today than I was yesterday. I swallow hard, and my mouth drops open in disbelief.
“Fantastic. This way.” He opens the car door and climbs out, turning he offers his hand and assists as I clamber out.
“So graceful.” He laughs.
“Smug bastard,” I retort as I shoulder check him.
“Yes, I am.” He laughs and leads me to his trailer.
And we are right back where we were this morning. It’s so easy with Kasen. I hitch my bag over my shoulder and look around me. I see a pickup truck and puddles. They are shooting people walking, the director offers suggestions and they try again. I know exactly what scene this is. This is the scene from my dream last night. The truck. The rain. I visibly shudder and blush. I turn to find Kasen staring at me. I look up at him and his eyes dance with amusement.
“I’m guessing you know the scene,” he teases, and nods toward the pick-up truck.
“Shut up and lead the way, Kasen.” I try to hide the embarrassment in my voice.
Chapter 7
I look to the building and see Kasen dressed in a dark hoodie, blue jeans and a chain wallet. His eye is blackened and looks horrific. In the book, Tate had just come back from beating the snot out of Karli’s husband for beating her up. This is the most important scene in Tate and Jess’ story. We are supposed to feel desire, lust and sorrow. This is when they realize that without each other, neither one of them is anything. They are both lost.
As the director is setting up the lighting, Kasen looks over at me. It’s the same look he gave me in the car. My chest flutters, and my pulse begins to race. Sierra walks over to him and they seem to ease into friendly conversation. His eyes keep finding mine.
“Why don’t you come stand with me, Farrow? I’ve got the best seat in the house,” Bob MacMillan offers.
“Thank you,” I gush. “I had no clue where I should stand. I don’t want to get in the way,” I admit to him.
“QUIET ON THE SET!” I hear a voice call out. “ACTION!”
Kasen and Sierra stand in front of each other. He seems larger. His stance is square and reeks of power. His stare is intense, and his veins begin to bulge. Sierra throws her hands up in exasperation and shakes her head.
Tate towers over Jess and throws his hands up in anger, scrubbing the top of his head., and raking his hands down his face. Jess then turns to walk away, and he presses himself against her back while whispering in her ear. Jess shakes her head sadly and begins to cry. As she attempts to storm away, Tate grabs her by the wrist and pulls her back into his bod. Momentarily, she fights for her wrist back. To regain control, but Tate drags her to the pickup truck and bends her over the hood. He licks her neck and she surrenders to him.
“End scene,” Bob calls. “AGAIN!”
“Again?” I look at Bob who chuckles.
“That was just the run through. They practice their lines and get their chemistry where they need it. We run through a few times until I feel it’s right, and then we cut. Several takes for one five minute scene. Pretty glamorous, huh?” He chuckles
“Oh. I had no clue.” I am suddenly embarrassed and overwhelmed. I have no clue what goes on behind the scenes.
I am way out of my league here, and it is absolutely frightening.
Everyone heads back to their mark and they start over. Every time I look up, Kasen is looking at me. His green eyes are hypnotizing, but he never misses his cue. A true professional who looks really damned edible in those jeans.
After several takes, Bob finally likes what he sees and sends everyone home for the day. The actors go to their trailers, and I continue speaking with him. He fills me in on why they shoot movies out of sequence and promises tomorrow will be a longer day. He also tells me that it’s an indoor scene, closed set, but won’t say anything else. I thank him and decide to meet Kasen at the car.
As I walk away from Bob, I feel him. Looking beyond the crowd toward his trailer, I see him. Watching me. He walks down the steps and through the crowd toward me. Stalking me across the parking lot is the most beautiful man I have ever seen. His stride is determined, controlled and sexy as hell. A shiver courses through me as he reaches me and bites his lip.
Taking my bag from my shoulder, he throws it over his as he reaches down and locks his fingers with mine without saying a word. I look down at our entwined fingers as he rubs his thumb over my knuckles. With a gentle pull, he turns and leads me to the car.
We sit in silence the entire ride home. No cell phones. No words. Just Kasen and me. Neither one of us let go, our hands continue to stay entwined. We need each other’s warmth like the ocean needs a wave. My hand needs to be with Kasen’s.
When we arrive at the loft, Kasen helps me out of the car, and we enter through the front door together. The silence in the elevator is deafening. My pulse is racing in my ears, and I can’t stop staring at our hands, still locked together. Reaching the fourth floor, we exit the elevator and Kasen walks me to my suite. Turning to face him, with my back against the door, I feel his warmth envelop me.
He reaches out with his tattooed hand and plays with one of my curls that has escaped my ponytail. His eyes roam my face and fall to my lips. I find myself responding to his silent request, and slowly I lick my bottom lip.
“You were fantastic today,” I nervously announce to break the thick tension that was hanging in the air. I sound like an idiot, but something needs to fill the void.
“Is that so?” he asks, ducking his head to get closer to mine. His nose grazes my neck, just below my ear. His breath sends shivers across my body and all I can do is nod. Goosebumps begin to form on my flesh.
“Is this okay?” he asks, his words barely audible above the sound of my pulse. “I understand if it isn’t, but-”
“It is.” I eagerly interrupt as I swallow hard and exposed my neck further. His lips flutter against the shell of my ear, and I don’t remember ever wanting something so badly.
I turn my head and look into his eyes. He removes my bag from his shoulder and places it on the floor beside us. Never breaking eye contact, he brings our connected hands to his lips and slowly raises it above my head against the wall. His other hand gently caresses my cheek and reaches the back of my head where he holds me right where he needs me to be, as he softly presses his lips to mine.
The kiss is soft, warm and full of something I have never felt before. His full lips control my every motion, as his tongue begs for entry into my mouth. I grant permission and the kiss deepens, with more passion, I am pinned to the door. Pulling the elastic out of my hair, he presses himself up against me and releases my hand which quickly finds its place on his hips, pulling him closer. His forearms push into the door on either side of my head and our breaths become one.
Our kissing slows, and he reluctantly pulls away. Growling, Kasen leans in and puts another quick kiss on my lips. “I’ve been wanting to do that since the airport,” he admits.
“I don’t remember a time I never wanted to do that.” I blush at my confession.
Resting his forehead on mine he replies, “I know, I’ve read your blog.”
My blush deepens, and I bite my lip looking up at him through my lashes. “Smug bastard,” I whisper and kiss him again. He smiles and nods.
Retrieving my bag from the floor, I remove my key and unlock the door. “Dinner tonight?”
“Mmm, hmmm, you bet,” he replies giving me a quick tender kiss and pulls away. “Come over in an hour. I’m cooking!”
“Kasen Wells cooks?” I sputter.
“I’m pretty good at it. Don’t be surprised.” He chuckles as he backs towards his suite. His green eyes dance, as he happily struts backwards. Faded denim jeans, a white Henley t-shirt with his tattoos exposed and a shaved head give him that yummy ‘I’m a bad-boy who pretends to be a good-boy’ look.
“See you in an hour.” I enter my suite as Kasen opens his door.
“ONE hour, or it’s Twitter War!” His attempt at a sneer just makes me laugh as I close the door behind me.
I lock the door and run to my bed with my hands over my mouth. Throwing a big fluffy pillow over my face I start screaming into it like a teenager at a Justin Bieber concert. I just made out with Kasen Wells. OH MY GOD.
Getting Down and Dirty – Quiet on the set
By Farrow Connoley
Did you know it can take hours, and I mean HOURS of working on the same five minute scene to actually get it filmed??? I didn’t…until today. Oh my jebus!
Today they filmed one of my favorite scenes from the book. No, it wasn’t the ball gag scene, although I am HIGHLY anticipating that one. It was my other favorite scene…the rain scene. The over-the-hood-of-a-truck in the rain scene. I am still fanning myself!
Kasen Wells commanded the scene with Sierra Bien. He was the complete embodiment of Tate, and I was taken right back to the first time I read that scene. (wet panties and all). Kasen and Sierra have that chemistry. They work so well together, and you can feel the lust between Tate and Jess through these two brilliant actors.
As you know, Bob MacMillan is directing this visual gift of ladyporn and was handpicked by the author (whom I haven’t met yet but am really hoping to get the opportunity to do so). I stood with Bob during the scene today and he is such a pleasure to be around. He explained the various aspects of filming a scene and was quite inspiring. I still feel out of my league and scared as hell, but the team is amazing and they make me feel at home. Like I belong.
Tomorrow is promising to be a busy day, with an all day call beginning at eleven. I am told we will be filming a few scenes, and the possibility of a closed scene is very real. I could almost wet my pants friends. Seriously. My mind keeps wandering to the book. Maybe it’s the shower scene or the bar scene, or maybe it’s… * sigh*
I didn’t see too much of Sierra today, but a dinner meeting with her will be happening later this week, and I can’t wait to interview her. So tell me friends, what questions do you want me to ask her? Feel free to tweet them to me @FarrowConnoley or post them here in the comments.
I wanted to take a second to thank Entertainer Insider for this opportunity. It is every book blogger’s dream to be a part of history. DIRTY is a book that took us to places we didn’t realize we wanted to be and opened our eyes to experiences we wanted to try. Just watching the words we know so well jump from the page of this book and make it to the big screen is surreal. I still can’t believe I am here. Thank you.
Check out the photos from today’s shoot below.
XO Farrow
Chapter 8
I rub my hands down the front of my jeans to dry them off. I just wish I could stop the shaking. Taking a deep cleansing breath, I raise my fist and knock on Kasen’s door, which I still can’t believe is directly across from mine. The door opens, and the most beautiful green eyes meet my gaze. Kasen’s hand reaches mine and he gently guides me into his loft and steps into me. Our bodies align, and I close my eyes inhaling everything about this man deep into my soul.
“Don’t be nervous,” he quietly encourages in my ear, while his finger traces my jaw. “No expectations, just dinner.”
I swallow and nod. “I can’t he
lp it. I’m with KASEN WELLS. You know, the actor?” I shake my head in disbelief. Kasen dips his head and brushes my lips with his.
Smiling, he replies, “And I am with Farrow Connoley, you know…blogger for Entertainer Insider. I hear she likes porn.” He kisses me again, and I smile against his lips.
“Ladyporn, she likes ladyporn…big difference.”
He rubs his hands up and down my arms and leads me into his loft which is decorated similar to mine. I find myself feeling very comfortable here, and that is nerve-wracking. Inhaling deeply, I smell the most amazing aroma. I moan in anticipation of an amazing meal, which in turn makes Kasen stop and look at me. His stare is intense and primal.
“Smells delicious.” I acknowledge and I see a smile creep across Kasen’s face. I sit on one of the stools across from where he stands at the counter.
“I told you, I can cook.” He continues wrapping the abandoned loaf of bread in foil and places it in the oven. “Wine?”
I nod.
He turns away from me and I can’t help but admire him. Six feet two, broad shoulders, trim waist. Tonight he is wearing a fitted white t-shirt and worn faded jeans that hug his hips and his thighs in ways I have only fantasized my own thighs doing. He moves gracefully around the kitchen as he pours us both a glass of wine and returns to where he was standing across from me. Setting the glasses down, he takes the knife and cutting board to the sink, picks up a wet cloth and wipes the counter.
“So, Farrow…” Kasen begins while lifting his glass to his lips.
“So, Kasen…” I reply while taking a sip from my own glass and feel my cheeks heat up. I close my eyes and tilt my face toward the counter. Kasen’s finger curls under my chin and tilts my head so I am looking at him. He bends down so we are eye to eye and smiles.
“Hey. I’m nervous too.” He assures me, while tracing my jaw with his strong fingers. “I just try not to show it.”
I lean into his palm and nod. “How do you do that? You seem so calm, controlled.”